24 July 2008

Obama Dismisses Faithless Europe

I began viewing Obama's Berlin speech as it was already in progress so I may have missed an appeal or even passing reference to Europe's substantial faithless population. I did hear quite a few appeals to people of different 'faiths' working together and specifically 'Catholics, Protestants, Muslims and Jews'. I know it's political death for an American politician to discuss atheists or atheism, but a part of me was hoping that, while in a different socio-political climate, the Obama who wasn't afraid to discuss secularism (2006) would reappear. Oh, well. It was a nice dream while it lasted.

Looks like it's Lose-Lose again in 2008.


21 July 2008

Atheist Nexus - Quit Crying Into Your Ice Cream

Because you're not alone anymore! That's right, you have friends! Or at least, you will have if you join Atheist Nexus, an exciting new social networking site for atheists, humanists and freethinkers. Brother Richard, site admin, has taken the bumps and twists of braving such a task as launching such a site beautifully and those of us enjoying his site owe him a great deal. It has not gone without controversy and the site has grown much more quickly than he anticipated.

So, join. You will meet more atheists in a week than you've met in your lifetime, especially if you live in the Bible Belt or other highly religious areas.

If you've already joined and you enjoy your time on the site, think about ways you can fundraise for the site. It isn't inexpensive to keep up a quickly growing social networking site and since we're using a service we could all afford to chip in a little either with our money or our time/service. Atheist Nexus is a valuable asset to the atheist community and one I hope to see grow so that others can find shelter in a world that is so often hostile to the unreligious.

I'll see you there, nancies.


19 July 2008

Right, So ...

I realize my new blog is about the friendly face of atheism and I kind of started off with a rant. I mean, it was a valid rant because let's face it. Anyone who believes in the Zodiac has not done their research or is choosing to ignore the evidence and therefore is a complete moro- oh. I was meaning to not do this, you see. Here are some peace offerings for you. Butterflies and puppies! Now everybody is happy!

So About This Zodiac Thing ...

Upon signing up for blogger and filling out my profile information, I couldn't help noticing, after I hit the 'review profile' button, that displayed prominently were my Zodiac sign and Chinese horoscope. Why is there no option to leave this nonsense off one's profile? I feel like I'm supporting this woo by association. I don't even feel this is an atheist thing, either, though it does astound me how many followers of the 'Good Book' subscribe to something so, well ... ungodly. Anyone with even the slightest degree of knowledge in astronomy knows that the stars aren't in the same position they were in when the Zodiac was poofed into idiotic and lucrative existence so many years ago. And it isn't just blogger - it's Myspace and other networking sites, as well.

The Zodiac is as dead as as the armadillo you ran over coming back from Boudreaux's Swamp Shack 3am last Saturday, my friends, and it stinks just as badly. This is no longer an age of dogmatic superstition but an age of science and reason - an infinitely more beautiful thing if you ask me.
